Reread Books in 2010

I read two more books the last week of 2010. So my total for the year is now 59. I’d say that’s pretty good considering I didn’t have access to a lot of books. I’m trucking through this year already with 5. (Loving the Kindle.) With last...

Freelance Editing

I posted my review of The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer (click on Bree Tanner). Let me know what you think. I still don’t feel very confident reviewing books. I can’t seem to get out in writing how the book really made me feel. Which...

Stephenie Meyer and Twilight

It seems to be one of the topics of pop culture. Either you hate the Twilight Saga or love it. Typically I don’t read books that have a crazy amount of hype, but I read Twilight long before there was hype. She’s a wonderful writer, I get completely lost in...

Confusion as a Writer

Be prepared, this is kind of a vent session on my writing. I’ve been struggling since November with my inner editor. I participated in NaNoWriMo and wrote 50,000 words in a month. (Yay!) It is my first finished manuscript. Typically I get about 10,000 words in,...