What is the difference between self publishing and becoming an Indie Author?

In two words?

Professional editing.

Recently I was reading some things by Joanna Penn where she discussed some of the differences between these two terms. In a nutshell, self-publishing still carries negative connotations because the author thinks they can and should do it all. This often leads to a finished project that doesn’t reach its full potential.

I know I’ve read many self-published stories on Amazon that had a great premise, but the book just didn’t do it for me. Sometimes its just typos. Other times there are gaps in the plot or jumps that just don’t make sense.

Indie Authors realize they can’t do it all on their own. They need a team to help them! This can include professional editors, typesetters, cover artists and marketers.

Now that I’ve chosen to move forward with my latest novel, I want to make sure the finished product is of the highest quality. This means hiring an editor and typesetter. Why?

  1. I’m too close to the story to catch everything.
  2. More eyes are always better.
  3. I don’t have the software or skills to provide a truly beautiful inside experience for my readers.

Working with an editor (Amie!) on my first novel, THE MAGIC WAKES, was perhaps the most exciting part of the publishing process. I learned very quickly how wonderful it was to have an on going conversation about my book. Amie wasn’t out to crush me, but help me make my story the best that it could be.

A good editor is worth the cost for their time. That’s why I’ve started a Kickstarter project for FADE INTO ME. Please take a moment to check out my project video and pledge in support of better quality novels. The sooner we raise the money, the sooner I can get this novel into your hands.

Charity Bradford has been a voracious reader ever since her 5th grade teacher introduced her to the world of books with Where the Red Fern Grows and Summer of the Monkeys. She’s the mother of four kids that keep her on her toes, constantly reminding her that imagination still makes the world go round. She lives in Arkansas with her hubby and children, and firmly believes that a smile can solve most problems.
