Hi! At the end of this week is my birthday. So I’m going to have three give-aways for you. My birthday presents to my readers.
Today I’m going to give you an update on my writing this month and give away a set of my postcards so you can do some writing of your own. Twelve Frozen Flower postcards in their own box.
I’m only one quarter of the way through my manuscript. At least so far. I have one week left. I don’t plan on finishing my manuscript this month, but I haven’t given up on the whole thing. I still have ideas; it hasn’t died yet; it does feel really raw. I’ll keep you updated, but for now I’m just plowing through the first draft.
So now, for the contest. You have to fill out this form; it’s easy I promise. The first question is something you can answer by having read this blog post. Then fill out the form and you’re entered to win the postcards. I will announce the winner for this give-away next Monday. Come back on Wednesday and Friday for more give-aways!