Drabble Dienstag – How I Felt

I had an experience last week that I have never had before. Let’s see if you can feel what I felt. What do you think? This style is different from what I’m used to, please critique me in the comments.The anticipation; the bouncing knees; the slimy palms;...

Drabble Dienstag – Proving Herself

We did a lot of snowboarding in Colorado. I love it there.She feels the wind biting her cheeks; her knees are shaking. Why would she ever agree to do this? She wanted to show him that she was tough, but she’s terrified. She’s never been snowboarding before. He puts...

Drabble Dienstag – Falling Rain

There’s nothing quite like a rainy day. I wake to pattering raindrops and smile, stretching in my bed. The light coming through the window is glossy, filtered, hazy. I make coffee and call in sick; it’s a mental health day, a stay-at-home day. I tie my hair back and...

Drabble Dienstag – Hidden Among Us

Ever wondered what really lives among us? Getting coffee in line in front of you is a wizard disguised as a homeless man. The woman behind you on the sidewalk is a fairy masquerading as a stay-at-home mom. A grown woman, I flit among the leaves, relishing the feel of...

Drabble Dienstag – The Jump

I’ve been watching a TV show called Heartland. It’s based off of a series of books I read as a teenager that are about a girl and her gift to heal battered horses. The show is pretty good, but it’s really making me want to ride my horse and...