I just started a new job two weeks ago, so let’s get into what your job is like. Whether that’s being a mother or a doctor…I want to hear about it.

Three things about…
your work.

1.    It’s actually my first job that applies to my college degree (English), and I graduated three years ago.
2.    I’m really loving it. I have an OCD personality to the point where I actually enjoy stuffing millions of envelopes for the satisfaction it gives me in finishing the job. So this job entails editing documents, designing documents, some photography, and even every once in a while, stuffing envelopes.
3.    I’m also loving having something to do every day. When I have a schedule and things pressing for my time, I usually get more done. When I have nothing and I get to do what I want…I don’t do any of it. So I’m really happy to have a job that fits me, but also fills my days so I can come home and write or cook or do the things I’m supposed to do.

P.S. Love that picture…it’s so me. (The words, not the cat.)

Tell me three things about your work either by linking your own blog post or in the comments.