Free December Calendar

I’ve been away, basking in the glow of family and friends in Colorado. We left Germany with warm fall weather, found snow in Colorado, and came back to snow in Germany. We are glad to be home. I have pictures to show, but they need edited. So for now I have...

100 Photos

I’ve been slacking on this project, but I’m so close so I refuse to give up. Here is another installment of my 100 photos project. And I think I’ll have to put together a celebration for the closing of this project and 100 followers. So keep an eye...

The Answer

This is the most snow Germany has had in thirty years. We’ve had two blizzards and some days of constant, lazy snowflakes. Everyone around me keeps whining about how cold it is and how they want spring or summer to come back. But I don’t. I lovewinterand...