
The answer to this week’s Word of the Week isdriver’s licenseand I chose it because I finally have my German driver’s license. It took weeks and mountains of paperwork, but I finally have it. It was hard for me to find etsy products pertaining to...

The Answer and a Blogfest

Ha! I stumped you all! Maybe that’s a bad thing though? The answer issunsetor sunrise if you prefer. The colors yellow, orange, red, and then the three together in a sunset painting. So you tell me, did you enjoy it being harder or was it too hard? Don’t...

The Answer

There are plenty ofinsectsaround here this summer. I’m guessing it’s another byproduct of humidity to have so many bugs. And I just have to say it’s extremely nice that the previous tenants of our apartment put screens on the windows. Because I can...

The Answer

The answer isbeachQuite the variety of answers from everyone. I picked beach just because for about a week it had been muggy and humid. I grew up in Colorado where it gets very hot, but it is never, ever humid. I just don’t see the point in constantly feeling...

The Answer

I’m glad I stumped everybody!princesswas my answer but besides the earrings you could say crown. I did kind of cheated with the ‘princess cut’ on the earrings, but they are also something a princess might wear. I’ll have to make them tough more...