
This is my life right now. Doesn’t look like that much, but I’ve just packed three boxes worth and it’s not much smaller. And I have a whole other room that’s half full. It’s just stuff. We’re not even packing furniture…just...

My Birthday – Zugspitze

My birthday is on the 30th of October. And my husband is the best at planning surprises. This year he told me to pack a bag for one night and we got in the car. He drove in the direction of Munich, which confused me a little bit. I had three guesses for where this...

Wood Map Art DIY

I have a blank gray wall in my apartment. It’s the focal point of the living room. And it’s been blank since we moved in. But months before I even knew that wall existed, I had a project in mind. It was a project I found on Pinterest. Finally, finally, it...

Living in a Country Not Your Home

I’m an expat. And I am very proud to say it. I’ve lived in Germany (with a tiny blip in Belgium) for four years now (just told another expat that the other night and he was blown away). We chose to live here. We love it. But wow has it taught us a lot....