Inspiration Comes in Droves

When I find inspiration, it comes in droves. As proved by my constant blog posting lately (where I hadn’t posted anything in months…). I picked up Emma Itäranta’s book Memory of Water the other day. The first sentence had me lying my Kindle on the...

Fairy Tales and Offices

What do you picture when you hear a fairy tale? The beautiful maidens that dance across the pages with grace and flair? Or the princes who ride on white steeds and save the day?A few months ago I decided to picture-ify three fairy tales for a friend of mine, Hanna...

Books and the Movies About Them

I have a love affair with movies. It’s not a secret, I have tons of DVDs sitting upstairs that I watch over and over again. I have movies on my external hard drive, movies on a flash drive, movies on my computer. It’s certainly a faster escape than a book,...

Patrick Henry Hughes, Musician, Inspiration

It’s people like this that make life worth living.Sorry that I missed Word of the Week. Albert and I were in Vienna for the three-day weekend. It was enjoyable but too long for the one city. I’ll have some pictures later this week. I hope you enjoy this...