Stephenie Meyer and Twilight

It seems to be one of the topics of pop culture. Either you hate the Twilight Saga or love it. Typically I don’t read books that have a crazy amount of hype, but I read Twilight long before there was hype. She’s a wonderful writer, I get completely lost in...

The Last Chunk

The last chunk of books I read in 2009.An Echo in the Bone by Diana Gabaldon – 4I absolutely love this series. Any writer who can hold my attention locked for 1000 pages and then seven subsequent books of the same size deserves cookies. She’s got humor,...

Review: The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

When a book really releases some reactions from me I just have to spew about it. The Lost Symbol really frustrated me; it’s the first book I’ve ever taken notes about during reading. I won’t give away anything in case you want to try it out for...