
We went to Dublin and surrounding countryside for Labor Day weekend. Let me tell you, the rumors are true, Ireland grass is neon.It was beautiful. We really enjoyed the Jameson whiskey tour and the Guinness brewery tour (yum!), but we particularly enjoyed the...

Trip to Good Ole London

Check out the fruits of my hard work, the categories widget on the right hand side of the blog (scroll down til you see the word cloud). I went through all my old posts and added labels so you could click on those words and find exactly what you’re looking...

Family Trip to Germany

The second week my family was here my dad and brother-in-law showed up. They brought my precious parakeet, Moe. We’ve missed her for the past eight months. She was hand-raised and is just as friendly as a big parrot. We played her favorite song, and after not...

Family Visit Photos

Here are some of the photos from my family visit. The first week was just us girls and we went to Baden-Baden and the Alsace region of France. It was a complete blast. We happened upon two very wonderful pensions to stay at, and had a lot of fun. We also took the...